- Notevole stabilità meccanica
- Ultra rapido da usare
- Radiative heating of metals and semiconductors during imaging
- Range di temperatura 90K – 1000°C per tutti i campioni
- Eccellente stabilità in temperatura
- Non necessita la sostituzione della punta
Product Description:
With the STM Aarhus 150 HT, SPECS introduces a unique high temperature version by advanced heat flow management to allow imaging metals and semiconductors at elevated temperatures above 1000°C. While standard STMs at high temperatures normally operate with direct current heating only, the STM Aarhus 150 HT operates with radiative heating to allow sample systems being used that are completely independent e.g. from semiconductor doping levels. The advanced heat flow management allows imaging at elevated temperatures without measurement time limitations. Even at temperatures exceeding 1000°C all temperatures reach equilibrium within minutes to allow constant imaging with ultimate low drift for as long as desired by the experimentalist.