Per XPS con raggi X duri e PES a risoluzione ultra elevata (ARUPS)
- Gestisce energie degli elettroni fino a 15 keV
- Risoluzione in energia ultra elevata in UPS UPS (< 1meV), XPS (< 7 meV) e HAXPES (<15 meV)
- Mappatura angolare (ΔΘ < 0.1°)
- Rilevazione disponibile: CCD, DLD e DLD/SPIN
- Rilevatori a basso rumore di fondo
- Alimentatori ad alta stabilità
- High retarding ratios
- Diversi modi di lavorare (UPS, XPS e HXPS)
- Investigation of the bulk properties of solids with HAXPES
- Gamma-Spectroscopy
- UPS with high angular resolution and high energy resolution
Product Description
SPECS sets a new standard with the PHOIBOS 225 energy analyzer. Innovative approaches and technical solutions lead to an instrument that combines excellent performance with highest reliability for the largest possible variety of experimental conditions.
SPECS offers two power supplies for the PHOIBOS 225: One for HAXPS/XPS/UPS (AVC 15000) and one for XPS/UPS (HSA 3500).