

  • Enables Higher Resolving Power
  • Increased Analyzer Performance
  • Countrate up to 15 Mcps
  • Facilitates Time Resolved Experiments
  • Snapshot capability for fast spectrum acquisition
  • Lower costs for multiplier replacements


  • Lateral resolution < 100 µm
  • 12 bit digital camera with dynamic range of 1000
  • High quality lens system
  • Multi channel plates (MCPs) with a diameter of 40 mm
  • Detector can be retrofit on site without changes to the analyzer


  • Extremely low dark counts
  • Linear response due to single event counting
  • 3 MHz count rate in 2D and 2D/time resolved mode
  • Retrofitable on site, without changes to the analyzer


  • Maximum (measured) count rate detectable is 16.8 Mcps (standard CEMs: 5.6 Mcps) per channel.
  • Linearity and non-extended dead time behavior up to 10 Mcps true count rate. Up to these count rates no significant deviation from linearity could be observed with the PHOIBOS detection system (CEMs and PCU 300 detection electronics).


  • Bolt-on solution for PHOIBOS 150
  • 2 Spin components + 6 standard channels
  • Based on proven “Rice University” design
  • Fully integrated in SpecsLab software